Well, why not? After all, Hilary did it:
Tipper Gore Considers Tennessee Senate Seat Bid Tipper Gore, who has never held public office, was approached by Democratic leaders earlier this week and urged to run, the sources said. She has not set a timetable for making a decision.
Well bravo and all that. I hope Al's ego can take it, though. From what I've seen and read, the Clintons don't see much of each other lately.
Tipper Gore Considers Tennessee Senate Seat Bid Tipper Gore, who has never held public office, was approached by Democratic leaders earlier this week and urged to run, the sources said. She has not set a timetable for making a decision.
Well bravo and all that. I hope Al's ego can take it, though. From what I've seen and read, the Clintons don't see much of each other lately.