Excellent reading from a Democrat pundit no less:
WorldNetDaily: Make love, not war - Ellen Ratner, Liberal & Proud
WorldNetDaily: Make love, not war - Ellen Ratner, Liberal & Proud
The other morning I had no sooner finished my radio show than the phone rang. The voice at the other end was a senior Democrat with the Democratic National Committee. "Ellen, did I hear you compliment Marc Racicot on air this morning?" Racicot is the head of the Republican National Committee.And on and on....
"Yes," I replied, unsure of where the conversation was going. In fact, I have met Mr. Racicot several times, and have always found him a charming, decent guy. I said as much to my friend from the DNC.
"Well, don't be so nice," I was told.
I was shocked. Shocked that a senior member of the Democratic Party would actually waste their time in placing such a call. Shocked that matters had become so ridiculously personal. I mean at the end of the day, it's only politics. People are people. Just as there are decent Republicans there are stinko Democrats.
Then a light bulb went on.
I have been thinking for some time about the reasons why, since 9-11, the Democratic Party, my party, has seemed to be flailing about, a loyal opposition with few principles that inspire much loyalty.