These are the sorts of things that come from a competitive market and free enterprise.
Our Products/A380 Family
Boeing: Sonic Cruiser
Now we have two major competitors taking two different approaches to the future of air travel. Boeing is apparently satisfied with the performance of their 747 series, so they are attempting to break new group. Airbus is building what can only be described as a Goliath of the air, yet they are seeking to ensure it will operate out of existing airports and airport facilities.
Well bravo. Future air travel looks to be exciting, and promises improvements across the board to all of the travelling public.
Our Products/A380 Family
Formal production go-ahead for the A380 was given by the Airbus shareholders in December 2000. The aircraft will make its first flight in 2004, followed by the entry into commercial service in 2006.And....
The A380 will seat 555 passengers in a typical three-class interior layout.
Boeing: Sonic Cruiser
After extensive conversations with our customers, we are focusing our new product development efforts on a dramatic new airplane that will allow travelers to go where they want to go, when they want to go - directly to their destinations. This exciting new airplane will allow faster, higher, farther flight than any current airplane. It also will be quieter on takeoff and landing. The new design complements our existing product line, which remains in high demand.Before someone chimes in that these advances only apply to the rich, please do a reality check. Prior to Boeing's introduction of the 747, air travel was pretty much the purvue of the reach. Hence the term "jet set." After the 747, and contrary to almost all predictions of the time, the cost of flying plummeted. The 747 made long-distance air travel economical, and the effect was to lower rates for all flights.
Now we have two major competitors taking two different approaches to the future of air travel. Boeing is apparently satisfied with the performance of their 747 series, so they are attempting to break new group. Airbus is building what can only be described as a Goliath of the air, yet they are seeking to ensure it will operate out of existing airports and airport facilities.
Well bravo. Future air travel looks to be exciting, and promises improvements across the board to all of the travelling public.