This gets lots of press coverage:
Documents Show Energy Official Met Only With Industry Leaders
Energy sought greens' advice -- The Washington Times
Documents Show Energy Official Met Only With Industry Leaders
WASHINGTON, March 26 -- As he helped the Bush administration write its national energy report last year, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham heard from more than 100 energy industry executives, trade association leaders and lobbyists, according to documents released by the Energy Department.But this doesn't:
Energy sought greens' advice -- The Washington Times
The Bush administration sought the advice of environmental groups in drafting its energy plan, but several declined to participate or suggested that Bush officials check their Web sites for information, just-released documents show.Makes for an interesting contrast. Thanks to's Best of the Web for pointing this out.
A month and a half before President Bush's energy plan was announced, the Energy Department contacted Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, Environmental Defense, the World Resources Institute, Resources for the Future and four other groups to discuss conservation and energy efficiency.
However, an unstated number of other environmental groups rebuffed administration overtures.
"Not all organizations were responsive. Several did not return phone calls and messages," including the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Energy Department said in an August 2001 letter to the General Accounting Office, which was released Monday night.