Pete du Pont weighs in on a story I linked to earlier, about environmentalists lying and forging data to advance their agenda.
OpinionJournal - Outside the Box
OpinionJournal - Outside the Box
So why the lying? It seems deceit is the only way the greens can advance their Luddite agenda. They are ideologically inspired to try to limit, slow and if possible stop economic growth, for they believe that prosperity is harmful to the environment. But our nation's and the world's environments are getting better all the time, in fact so much better so much faster that it is hard to wave the green shirt based on honest data. Subterfuge and misrepresentation are thus left to energize the greens' antiprosperity cause.Folks with a leftward lean cried and screamed when Enron filed for bankruptcy, about the 3,000 or so people affected (despite the fact that Enron isn't going out of business; they're reorganizing). Yet these same didn't flinch when false data about a spotted owl destroyed the logging industry in Northern California and threw tens of thousands out of work. The hypocrisy is amazing.