Soft-Money Record: Democrats Take in $12 Million (2 Gifts)
Ah, they must embrace that great Doc Holiday quote from Tombstone: "It appears that my hypocrisy knows no bounds!"
WASHINGTON, March 21 — A day after the Senate voted to abolish the enormous campaign contributions known as soft money, Democratic Party officials said today that they recently received a $7 million check, the largest known donation in the history of American politicsThank goodness for the honesty of Democrats. This was urgent legislation...but didn't need to take effect until after this year's November elections. This was vital to the public interest, to keep us all honest...but thanks for the big checks!
The Democrats also recently received a $5 million check from another Hollywood executive, Steve Bing, party officials said today.Ah, let the money flow! Another interesting exerpt:
Mr. Saban [the donor] said today that he was moved to write the $7 million check after Terry McAuliffe, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, described the enormous gulf separating the Democrats from Republicans in almost every financial category. Mr. McAuliffe said the Republicans' small-donor list is 40 times larger than the Democrats'; the average age of Republican small donors is 48 while the Democrats' average age is 68.I thought the Democrats were the party of youth, yet here the average donor age is 68, 20 years older than the average Republican donor. I thought the Democrats were young, energetic, and embraced technology, yet here again the Republicans are ahead. Last...well, that McAuliffe, head of the Democrat National Committee calls it a "scare video" says it all.
Mr. McAuliffe argued that the Democrats suffer from outdated computers and underfinanced mail and telephone solicitation programs. His presentation to wealthy donors also included a six-minute videotape showing the numerous technical advantages that the Republicans have built over the Democrats in the past two decades. Mr. McAuliffe called it his "scare video."
"When you look at Terry's presentation, you kind of go — 'How can it be that we have two main parties in this country, and one is functioning in the 21st century and the other is functioning in the stone age?'" Mr. Saban said.
Ah, they must embrace that great Doc Holiday quote from Tombstone: "It appears that my hypocrisy knows no bounds!"