Now it's "child abuse"? So first, a little background on the convicted (as well as a reminder of the case):
Information Please: Mary Kay Letourneau
Jurors Clear Police, School District in Teacher-Sex Case
And if you doubt that he's a victim, swap the genders. An adult Vili has sex with a 12-year-old Mary Kay. Gets her pregnant. Twice, the second time while on parole. Is there any state in the United States where he'd be doing less than life, or at least a whole lot more than seven years? Mary Kay's rambling "points" remind me of the same logic used by the North American Man/Boy Love Association. Which is to say it is the logic of a sexual predator.
Information Please: Mary Kay Letourneau
36–year-old Tacoma, Wash., schoolteacher, was ordered to serve her suspended 71/2 year child-rape sentence after being found with the 14-year-old student with whom she had a baby last year. In October, LeTourneau gave birth to a second baby fathered by the same boy. No new charges were brought against her.Remember now? The plea was that theirs was a loving relationship, that he was a mature young boy. Heck, there was even the claim that he (the at the time 12-year-old) was a sexual predator, the aggressor, the one who started it all. She (breathless sigh) was a confused innocent. At her own website (yes, Mary Kay has an "official" website) she has a list of 27 Points which she closes with:
These are the questions that I pray will bring good people together to force a complete circle of logic and light, so that there isn't anymore in this (or other people's) life situations, a question of "If... then, Why?" but instead a peaceful and just acknowledgement of "If... then, Therefore."She doesn't claim to be a victim, insisting rather that she and the boy had a mature and loving relationship, one that The State had no right to interfere with. So in today's news....
Jurors Clear Police, School District in Teacher-Sex Case
The verdict followed a nine-week trial in which former student Vili Fualaau's lawyer claimed the relationship was "torture, not true love," and left Fualaau suicidal and unemployable, with two young daughters he's ill-equipped to care for.See, he and his mother sued because of the tremendous mental damage this illegal sexual relationship caused. So much for maturity, which was the point of the prosecution, that Mary Kay, as the adult, should have understood the damage she was ultimately causing Vili, her victim.
And if you doubt that he's a victim, swap the genders. An adult Vili has sex with a 12-year-old Mary Kay. Gets her pregnant. Twice, the second time while on parole. Is there any state in the United States where he'd be doing less than life, or at least a whole lot more than seven years? Mary Kay's rambling "points" remind me of the same logic used by the North American Man/Boy Love Association. Which is to say it is the logic of a sexual predator.