Yahoo! News - U.S. Renounces Obligations to International Court
Yahoo! News - U.S. Renounces Obligations to International Court
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Bush administration, flouting the advice of major allies and outraging human rights organizations, renounced on Monday any obligation to cooperate with the new International Criminal Court. ...So Bush is evil for formally withdrawing, but Clinton is great because he signed a treaty he never had any intention of actually allowing to go into effect? (Senate must ratify any treaty for it to be "binding" on the US.) I...I'm so confused.
... The administration of former President Bill Clinton signed the treaty setting up the court in 2000 so the United States could take part in talks on arrangements for the new body.
But both Clinton and the Bush administration said they did not intend to ask the Senate the ratify the treaty, on the grounds it could be used for politically motivated prosecutions of U.S. officials or military personnel.