Best of the Web pointed out this beauty:
Stanley Kurtz on Anti-Americanism & Education & Title VI on National Review Online
Stanley Kurtz on Anti-Americanism & Education & Title VI on National Review Online
You may know all of these notorious figures, but do you know that your tax dollars have been subsidizing courses that train American elementary and high-school teachers about the Middle East by assigning them Arundhati Roy, Robert Fisk, Tariq Ali, and Edward Said? This particular set of teacher-training resources was called, "The September 11 Crisis and Teaching Our Children: Resources for Teachers on Islam and the Middle East," and was sponsored by the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of California at Santa Barbara. And don't think this federally subsidized program balanced the leftist authors with readings from Bernard Lewis or Samuel P. Huntington. No, in the belief that public knowledge of the Middle East will strengthen our security, the American government has been pouring millions of dollars into the pockets of the most anti-American scholars in the academy, vast chunks of which end up force-feeding America's children a steady diet of Arundhati Roy and Edward Said. Worse, since Sept. 11, the government subsidy for Edward Said and his legion of followers has been massively increased -- and may grow larger still next year.