Amazing report
In an amazing turn of events, Amnesty International condemns attacks on Israelis! I can't help but wonder what brought this change about? On the other hand, I also can't help but nothing to reaction from the Palestinian Authority and Hamas:
Ahmed Abdul Rahman, the Palestinian Cabinet secretary, told the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz, "All that is happening to Israeli citizens is a normal consequence for their occupation and rejection of Palestinian rights."But if the attacks are a "normal consequence," which is the PA calling for them to be stopped?
Ismail Abus Shanab, a Hamas spokesman, called the Amnesty International report "completely biased."
Hamas has claimed responsibility for more suicide bombings than any other Palestinian group and has vowed to continue the terror attacks despite a call from the Palestinian Authority to halt them.
Well, because Arafat and his Palestinian Authority think it's just peachy keen to blow up Israeli civilians, that's why.