Of fake Eminem songs....
Regarding fake or bogus tracks from the CD "The Eminem Show" on file-sharing networks:
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Stacey Herron, an analyst who covers entertainment and media for Jupiter Media Metrix, notes that the creator of some or all of the files could be a suburban mom who hates the controversial Eminem, an Internet prankster "or Eminem himself." But there are also at least two good reasons for Interscope to be involved.Wow, if you can't shut down such networks (and you can't), just spoof 'em. The networks can't complain because they would first have to admit they're distributing copyrighted material, in violation of copyright.
The first is the fight against file-sharing. As has been widely reported, Interscope advanced "The Eminem Show's" release date several times out of fear of piracy. ... Contacted for this article, Interscope representatives refused to comment, but a May 21 Los Angeles Times article directly stated that the label had "flooded the file-sharing networks with bogus copies of the songs."