Inflammatory, indeed
So I'm driving into work this morning, listening to the local news station, when they talk with ABC correspondent Ann Compton (and if I misspell the name, tough). They're talking about the "latest round of violence" in the Mideast and what this means to the "peace process." So then Ann says that the latest Israeli response to murder-suicide bombers is "inflammatory," the sort of action that will inspire more murder-suicide bombers.
(All right, she said just "suicide bombers," but that term is woefully inadequete.)
"Inflammatory"?!?!?!? So according to this ABC correspondent, it's all the Israelis fault?
Just makes you wanna scream.
PS - There is no such thing as a "peace process." The sad fact is that in that neck of the woods, and probably the world 'round, peace comes from the barrel of a gun.