Paul Krugman says Bush "boo-boo'd" last week:
Losing Latin America
OpinionJournal - Citizen of the World
Losing Latin America
Many people, myself included, would agree that Hugo Chávez is not the president Venezuela needs. He happens, however, to be the president Venezuela elected -- freely, fairly and constitutionally. That's why all the democratic nations of the Western Hemisphere, however much they may dislike Mr. Chávez, denounced last week's attempted coup against him.To which you could rebute with Tunku Varadarajan's editorial:
All the democratic nations, that is, except one.
OpinionJournal - Citizen of the World
Let us not forget that Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan strongman, was elected by an overwhelming majority. Why? He promised to fight corruption, for one, which in Venezuela means tapping into the resentment that the little guys who rob the system blind have for the big guys who rob the system blinder; but he also promised to safeguard the Venezuelan way of life, by which he meant that no economic reform would come in the way of Venezuelans enjoying the bounty of their land, whatever this might cost future generations. Petro-welfare forever. ¡Viva petroleo, viva!Makes one think [ouch!]....