All right, this is a little late, but still.... Our friends and allies; didn't we save their bacon (!) in 1991?
Saudi to Warn Bush of Rupture Over Israel Policy
Saudi to Warn Bush of Rupture Over Israel Policy
HOUSTON, April 24 -- Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia is expected to tell President Bush in stark terms at their meeting on Thursday that the strategic relationship between their two countries will be threatened if Mr. Bush does not moderate his support for Israel's military policies, a person familiar with the Saudi's thinking said today.I wish I could remember who, but I've seen in other blogs and the like that in regards to attacking nations that sponsor terrorism, maybe we're looking at the wrong one. Rather than Iraq, let's hit Saudi Arabia first. Afterall, 15 of 19 hijackers on 9/11 came from there, as does Osama himself. Deposed the tyrants currently in power, start them on the road toward democratic rule, etc. Then, "'Oil weapon' this, buddy!"
In a bleak assessment, he said there was talk within the Saudi royal family and in Arab capitals of using the "oil weapon" against the United States, and demanding that the United States leave strategic military bases in the region.
Such measures, he said, would be a "strategic debacle for the United States."