Gives an idea why Reno didn't mind armed Federal agents kicking in that door to "rescue" that poor little boy (with the false affidavits, suppressed information, etc., that got her a warrant, of course):
OpinionJournal - Dorothy Rabinowitz's Media Log
OpinionJournal - Dorothy Rabinowitz's Media Log
District Attorney Scott Harshbarger, who brought the case against the Amirault family of Massachusetts, became the state's attorney general, and now heads Common Cause, a liberal lobby group that aims to reform the political system. Janet Reno, Dade County attorney, came to fame as a child advocate for prosecutions she would win on entirely concocted testimony--among them, the case of Miami police officer Grant Snowden, who spent 11 years in Florida prisons until a federal court finally overturned his conviction. Ms. Reno's later career needs no reporting.And now she wants to be governor of Florida....