I'm late to the condolences party, but nonetheless would like to express sadness at the passing of a budding talent at such a young age. It's not that I was a huge fan, it's just that he was always enjoyable to watch and never offensive.
I first saw him in 10 Things I Hate About You, which was better than it had any right to be in large part due to Ledger's performance. And while The Patriot had issues, Ledger wasn't one of them, easily running the gamut from rebellious son to budding romantic. From the buzz I've been reading, his turn as The Joker is superb, which is surprising given that he has to follow in the footsteps of Jack Nicholson.
There are a great many new actors who at first attract and then repel their audience, or at least me. Ledger wasn't one of them, and that alone made him rather unique. While I can't claim that I would rush out to see every film he was in, if I saw his name in the credits I would feel comfortable in knowing that there was at least one good actor in the cast.
And now he's gone. We can regret what might have been, but instead I opt to enjoy the small but sturdy body of work he leaves behind, and express my most sincere condolences for the loved ones he leaves behind.