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Obama '08? How about: Oh, never!

Any genuine contest between liberty and equality is a contest liberty must lose. (Ronald Dworkin.)

Barrack Obama is all about equality, which means that in the final analysis, he'll toss liberty if it gets in the way. Even Brits get it:

As I have said before, I do not trust McCain; I think his judgment is erratic and impetuous, and sometimes wrong. But on the big picture, he gets it. He will defend America and the free world whereas Obama will undermine them and aid their enemies.

Here’s why. McCain believes in protecting and defending America as it is. Obama tells the world he is ashamed of America and wants to change it into something else. McCain stands for American exceptionalism, the belief that American values are superior to tyrannies. Obama stands for the expiation of America’s original sin in oppressing black people, the third world and the poor.

Obama thinks world conflicts are basically the west’s fault, and so it must right the injustices it has inflicted.

My folks were life-long Democrats and are probably figuring the best way to haunt me because of my conservative bent. Sometimes, though, the truth hurts , and the fact is that Obama learned nothing from the disastrous Carter presidency and plans on trotting down that same destructive path. (Reagan, in contrast, paid attention to the success of John F. Kennedy's tax cuts and did likewise.) It's also become quite clear that Obama thinks socialism is a good thing rather than the expressway to oppression that it truly is. (You need only look at Castro and Chavez to see the truth of this. That is, you will if your principles stand for liberty and not just your rhetoric.)

Due to a mainstream media which is totally in the tank for Obama (see here), combined with millions of willing and enthusiastic hounds, We the People know next to nothing about the favored candidate in this presidential race.

A list of things we do known may be found here. You'll find lots of video clips of The One and his supporters (well, they were supporters until he disowned them; nice friend).

Near as I can tell, Obama has a great speaking voice. He made a pretty speech in 2004. That's his major accomplishment. He has no foreign policy experience, zip executive experience, and apparently believes that the United States is, at its foundational core, deeply flawed and in need of repair.

An opinion I do not share.

Understand me here: I'm not saying we don't have problems. The US isn't perfect. However, I believe that the United States is, in the aggregate, a power for good in the world, the finest country the world has ever seen, has achieved more than any other in history, and, at its core, serves as a beacon for humanity.

Yes, I believe in American exceptionlism.

Obama does not. Obama, in words and deeds, believes that the United States is not a power for good in the world. Obama's own interviews and his personal associations demonstrate a dislike and mistrust of America's founding principles.

So there's no way I'll vote for him.

I have never enjoyed voting for the lesser of two evils. There are a lot of things about McCain that I dislike, especially as regards his social agenda. But at least he loves his country. He believes in America and will defend it to the bitter end. Of all that I am certain. Obama may love America, but it is abundantly clear that he doesn't believe in America. The country he wants is wildly different from the one I want.

And on a related note, this election has driven Speaker Nancy Pelosi insane. How else do you explain:

But I do tell you that if the Democrats win, and have substantial majorities, Congress of the United States will be more bipartisan.

Please, Nancy, explain how that works.


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