Any genuine contest between liberty and equality is a contest liberty must lose. (Ronald Dworkin.) Barrack Obama is all about equality, which means that in the final analysis, he'll toss liberty if it gets in the way. Even Brits get it: As I have said before, I do not trust McCain; I think his judgment is erratic and impetuous, and sometimes wrong. But on the big picture, he gets it. He will defend America and the free world whereas Obama will undermine them and aid their enemies. Here’s why. McCain believes in protecting and defending America as it is. Obama tells the world he is ashamed of America and wants to change it into something else. McCain stands for American exceptionalism, the belief that American values are superior to tyrannies. Obama stands for the expiation of America’s original sin in oppressing black people, the third world and the poor. Obama thinks world conflicts are basically the west’s fault, and so it must right the injustic...
Film, politics, motorcycles, and whisk(e)y.