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Rally 'round, all ye defenders of free speech!

I am talking, of course, about The Path to 9/11. Is it free speech, and the artist can produce whatever he/she wants, or are you going to side with the Democrats, or, more precisely, "former members of the Clinton administration"?

"The content of this drama is factually and incontrovertibly inaccurate and ABC has a duty to fully correct all errors or pull the drama entirely. It is unconscionable to mislead the American public about one of the most horrendous tragedies our country has ever known," [Clinton Foundation head Bruce] Lindsey and [Clinton advisor Douglas] Band wrote in their letter.


"I haven't seen it, but from everything I've heard it's not down the middle. It's not fair at all. And to have a film that seems to be biased and take one side put on by a network seems to be the wrong thing to do," said [Senator Charles] Schumer [D-NY]. "You can't take a film that's supposed to report on something that's so real and so close and make it into fiction. That's beneath ABC's dignity."

That one of the former Clintonistas complaining is Sandy "How Did This Get In My Pants" Berger is just delicious. This must be farce, these people cannot be serious.

ABC and Disney are explicit in saying this is a fictionalized version of events, using all the standard tools of fiction (e.g., compression, combining characters, etc.). Where are the those left-wing, stalwart defenders of the First Amendment? Where's Larry Flint, et al?

Hark, I hear...crickets!

In contrast, let us not forget Mikey Moore's fabrication, that "documentary" known as Fahrenheit 9/11. All these clowns would have better legs to stand on if they had objected with equal vehemence -- including an attempt to shut down and censor -- to Moore's crap-piece.

But to give Moore his due, if asked he'd probably say, "Go ahead, air it. They can make what they want. Free speech, baby!" There, I've finally said something nice about Michael Moore. I shall not make it a habit!

But not to worry, all you idiotarians out there, ABC may have caved already:

The network has in recent days made changes to the film, set to air Sunday and Monday, after leading political figures, many of them Democrats, complained about bias and alleged inaccuracies. Meanwhile, a left-wing organization has launched a letter-writing campaign urging the network to "correct" or dump the miniseries, while conservative blogs have launched a vigorous defense.

Do love the bit that "many" of the complainers are Democrats, that the organization is "left-wing", and "conservative blogs" have defended the film.

If truly believe in free speech, then Democrats and "left-wing" groups should be engaging in what is known in gaming circles as "stfu". And thus, conservatives would -- and should -- follow suit.

For the record, I don't give a crap what sort of crap you write, film, draw, say, etc. Just don't object if I respond or make a counter-argument. Doing so is not censorship, Dixie Chicks. Attempting to block a broadcast, on the other hand, is.

Update: A FAQ that says it all. Still LMAO at this crowd. And still amazed at the number of people who Truly Believe that all the run-up to 9/11/2001 started shortly after Innaguration Day, January, 2001. The wilfull ignorance is staggering.


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