No, I haven't seen Flyboys . Frankly, I can wait for the DVD. (Which is wait of what, four months?) The preview doesn't really thrill me, though Emmett says the film is pretty good. I just can't get to worked up. Besides , thought I, there's this black guy and who is going to believe that a black guy is a fighter pilot in WW1 . Oops! Eugene Bullard ( 9 October 1895 – 12 October 1961 ) was the first African American military pilot . He flew for the French in WW1. Complete Wikipedia entry here . The black character in Flyboys appears to be derived from Eugene's story; the character is named Eugene Skinner. What a fascinating story. There's a book from 1972, The Black Swallow of Death . I think I'll have to hunt up a copy. Damn, why isn't this man's biography a movie already?
Film, politics, motorcycles, and whisk(e)y.