He says:
So now it's all over the web that I'm a left-wing wacko traitor who should be horsewhipped.
But of course, horsewhipping was a delusional idea that you could educate a horse by beating it. This is twice as delusional for De Palma, who could not be educated if you could poor knowledge into his oh so left ear.
Mr. De Palma, you are a left-wing wacko. Embrace your reality, it'll make things more understandable.
He's whining that his cinematic turd, Redacted, has bombed everywhere it's been shown except at left-wing wacko film festivals. Fair enough, it's easy to understand how a person could be upset at their latest "art" project being created by empty theatres. But how do you explain...
According to De Palma, the pent-up anger of the US forces in Iraq is worse than that of the troops who served in Vietnam, there, he says, at least US soldiers had brothels to visit in order to let off steam. "This is not the way the army likes to see itself portrayed," he adds. "They want to be seen the way the administration portrays them: valiant people over there creating democracy – all that mumbo jumbo." More importantly, De Palma sees the film as a critique of how American audiences are fed propaganda by the US news media. "They sit there and watch their television screens, and see these embedded reporters and infomercials from Iraq, and how well things are going over there, and they think that's the truth."
Apparently I watch different networks from Mr. De Palma, because I see all the things he says I don't see. Are his eyes still functioning? Maybe the problem resides somewhere deeper within his skull. Maybe that could be the subject of a new film, The Search for De Palma's Brain.
I know, I know, ad hominem attacks should be avoided, but that bit about troops having pent-up anger because they can't buy any hookers is such a crock. And it is oh so telling when he says "creating democracy - all that mumbo jumbo." Yes, Mr. De Palma, you are a left-wing wacko traitor. It must hurt to have the truth come out.
Poor, pitiful, clueless, multi-millionaire filmmaker. Maybe I should send him a box of Kleenex.
(HT: Libertas.)