Country icon, singer/songwriter, Willie Nelson has joined the the ranks of celebrities that[have difficulty accepting the reality that their days of fame and glory have passed]question the Official account of the September 11th attacks.
Sigh. (Love the capital "O" for Official, though.)
"[A]nd I saw a building fall that didn't get hit by nothing"...except by two enormous skyscrapers that had fallen down earlier that day. Minor detail, I know, but heck, seems worth mentioning.
He also questioned why Afghanistan became the immediate target in the aftermath of 9/11, when the hijackers weren't from there.
Hmm, gee, I don't know. Maybe because the guys we suspected of doing the deed were living there, under the auspices of the regime in power, the same people who refused to cooperate and turn 'em over. To anyone. Again, I know, minor detail. Sorry, Willie.
Not that these little things matter to Truthers. They Know, while we have the wool over our eyes. Relatively harmless, though, in comparison to seeing pink elephants.