Basically, what we have is a series of anti-consumer DRM infections masquerading as nothing in particular. They bring only net negatives to anyone dumb enough to pay money for them, and everything is better than these offerings. They sell in spite of the features they tout, not because of them. The manufacturers still have the balls to look you in the eye and say that they are selling because of the programs/features/DRM. Marketers, what a laugh riot.
In the end, every step in this chain of consumer woe that is Blu-Ray, HD-DVD, Live, VIIV, HDCP, MCE and Vista is flopping. And that is where the better choice comes in. The consumers have voted with their dollars, and are staying away in droves. All the walls of the walled gardens are being built higher and higher, with the occasional brick landing on the head of someone who pulls out a credit card. Buy now, there is a brick with your name on it whistling down, operators are standing by.
In the mean time, Piracy, the better choice (tm) flourishes.
I was thinking of adding to his piece, but why? He says it all so well. All I'll add is what I was discussing with my son on Christmas Day, that the HD disc players -- be they Blu-Ray or HD-DVD -- don't seem to be doing well, while players the "up-rez" current DVD's to near-HD specs are succeeding.
Gads, I love the free market. Now, if we can just keep government regulation out of the picture....