Rantings of a Loon?
One has to wonder....
AlterNet: Defeating the California Republic(an) Coup:
This isn't funny. This is a power play that could wrest control of California away from the man we elected, and hand our state to an egomaniac with no political experience. And it is happening during a time of real crisis. This isn't a circus: It's a coup d'etat.Well, by this time the decision is pretty must made, but still, this is just a funny, funny "article". Great humor.
"It's a coup d'etat."
Oh, my aching sides, because I see that the definition of coup d'etat is "a sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force."
Today's recall isn't illegal; it's specifically authorized by the California State Constitution. Millions of California citizens signed the petition to put the question to a vote. Many more millions are now voting. Where's the illegality?
Oh, I laugh. It is an endless source of amusement when I see alleged liberals screaming in terror at something they otherwise cry for, i.e., direct democracy. California has this process in order to avoid...
"...or by force." I don't see any firefights being reported, so that pretty much means no one is forcibly overthrowing the state government. I suppose they could all be using suppressors, but you think someone would complain about the flying lead.
So, the question becomes: What world is the author living on? Certainly not the one I inhabit. And if he does, he needs to learn to use the language better. When you overstate your case, as he does throughout, you diminish your case. Calling a recall vote a coup d'etat is about as overstatement as you can get.