Thank goodness he's not playing around -- Politics -- No staff cuts till after the election?:
Gov. Gray Davis' administration says it is unlikely to approve plans for substantial reductions to the state payroll until the middle of next month.Isn't that lovely. This is exactly what he did during his re-election, holding back bad news he knew was coming (knew because he was the cause, that is). Better is this bit:
That makes it likely that the impact of the cuts -- in thousands of layoffs and in reduced state services -- won't become public until after the Oct. 7 recall election.
One goal, [Davis' finance director Steve] Peace said, is to minimize layoffs. He said he also wants to avoid giving workers layoff notices and disrupting their lives, only to reverse course later.I guess I'm confused. He doesn't want to disturb workers by sending out notices but he's already sent out 12,000 notices. And he'll have to do it again because that list has been rescinded. (Remember, I was on of the 12,000, and now I'm not.)
"It's not efficient. It's not good business. ... It's a morale-breaker of huge proportions," he said.
The state has already given about 12,000 workers 120-day notices that they are "surplus" and subject to layoff.
Why do people wonder why we want to recall this, er, person?