Enough already?
I popped to this column on a referal from Instapundit. Jill Stewart writes:
Let me be among the too-few columnists in this self-absorbed, egocentric, materialistic, pleasure-obsessed, jingoistic country of ours to cry out into the great mindless void that no, in fact, we have not changed in the year since September 11.She's annoyed that people are still grieving. She finds this appalling. I agree with her on the demonstrated greed of some people, but I also know that some people actually show grief that way; they want something for their loss, damnit.
Moreover, since I feel so much better getting that off my chest, let me add that I am achingly weary of seeing Americans treat the tragedy as if it outstrips every other contemporary tragedy in our world, and I am irked beyond belief that the victims of September 11 and their survivors are treated with a holy sanctity not afforded to other victims and other survivors of man's horrific actions against mankind.
But if you read the second paragraph you'll see that she's in that same "trajedy" loops that Krauthammer was writing about. Suffice to say that I agree; 9/11 wasn't a trajedy, it was an attack. The earthquake in India was a trajedy. It does not equate to what happened September, 2001.