And the survey says...
Get stuffed!
Survey: Europeans Say U.S. Partly to Blame for 9/11
Most Europeans believe America itself is partly to blame for the devastating attacks on New York and Washington last September 11.This from the people who believe that the death of Diana is the most significant historical event in the last hundred years. Oh, all right, that's just a Brit survey, but see the point. These ninnies believe that the death of a gossip story queen was of greater historical significance than two world wars, or anything else.
According to a new poll, which questioned more than 9,000 Europeans and Americans about how they look at the world one year after the attacks, 55 percent of Europeans think U.S. foreign policy contributed to the tragic events.
The highest percentage of those who thought Washington should blame itself for the attacks was in France, at 63 percent, while the lowest was in Italy, at 51 percent.
Thus, their opinion of our "responsibility" re 9/11 is, ahem, excusable.
Warning, Horrible Joke: Microsoft will apparently name their next operating system Windows Diana, because it is superficially beautiful, actually does very little, and crashes spectacularly.
(Stop that groaning, you were warned.)