I am always on the prowl for the next best thing in portable computers, especially tablets. The result is that right now, I have a lot of different tablets, in several “flavors,” none of which are 100% but several of which are very close. It’s a team effort. I started this essay using a 2020 iPad Pro 11”, the base model with 128GB of built-in storage. My biggest indulgence this time, as compared to the last time I had an iPad Pro, is that I splurged on LTE connectivity. I’ve come to the conclusion that always having access to the online world is a very, very nice thing, and I hate tethering. Another big splurge with this iPad is the new Magic Keyboard. The key feel is excellent, and the weight pays for itself with a solid base to work from. I’ve seen some complaints about the lack of a range of adjustment with the display, and I get it but it’s fine for me. As for complaints that the iPad can’t double back onto the keyboard for one-hand use, the way it can with the Folio Keyboard, that...
Film, politics, motorcycles, and whisk(e)y.