So, I saw this article... Why I'm Quitting Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, and Apple for a Month ...which led to this article... Tech’s Frightful Five: They’ve Got Us ...and while I think both are overwrought, they did get me to thinking. Which, if any, of the "Big Five" could I live without? And, assuming I actually use one of their products, which could I give up? So, here's the list (alphabetical order): Amazon Apple Facebook Google Microsoft Could I give them up? Well, as a first guess, no, but some I could toss or cut back on. The first to go is, actually, Apple. I don't use their products at all. The only Apple product I own is a fourth generation iPod Touch, and it currently resides in the drawer near my right elbow. iTunes isn't installed on any of my computers; any songs I've ever purchased from them are already downloaded and that's pretty much that. Voila, I'm down to "The Big Four." As much as possible...
Film, politics, motorcycles, and whisk(e)y.