Oh my… French drop Polanski release call The French government has dropped its public support for Roman Polanski, saying the 76-year-old director “is neither above nor beneath the law”. […] Speaking to reporters, French government spokesman Luc Chatel said: "We have a judicial procedure under way, for a serious affair, the rape of a minor, on which the American and Swiss legal systems are doing their job." […] [T]he Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has distanced himself from the move by asking his ministers to show "greater restraint" in defending him. He added that despite a "leading Polish director" being involved, it is still a "case of rape and of punishment for having sex with a child". A member of the British parliament has called on the Council of Europe, of which he is also a member, to support Polanski's extradition to the US. Denis MacShane said the film-maker "should be held accountable...
Film, politics, motorcycles, and whisk(e)y.