Sometimes excess is just that, excess. It serves no purpose whatsoever, and that’s my biggest problem with Watchmen . It presses the outer boundaries of an R rating for no reason other than to make you cringe; it doesn’t serve the story, it distracts and detracts. In a different age this film would have been rated NC-17. It’s a sad commentary that Watchmen makes A Clockwork Orange appear tame. The irony is that Watchmen ’s best character, Rorschach, would probably condemn a film like Watchmen . Nonetheless, and here’s the twist, I think A Clockwork Orange is a brilliant film, and I’m beginning to believe that Watchmen is, too. The genius lies in creating a superhero, masked vigilante world and taking it serious. If The Dark Knight illustrates the high ideals such people would have to hold, Watchmen is their dark side. It illustrates what happens when some of those “heroes” fall prey to their baser instincts, the very instincts they claim to fight. How well you appreciate this...
Film, politics, motorcycles, and whisk(e)y.