Southland Tales is that special movie that made me appreciate all the more the subtle charms, intense relationships, tight plotting, and vivid characters of Dragon Wars . It would be easy to dismiss Southland as an extreme example of what happens when filmmakers succumb to Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS), but that would be giving them an easy out. No, Southland is the result of a writer-director ego gone wild, serving only itself, and refusing to actually, you know, make a film. D-Wars has more respect for the audience, and D-Wars , just for the records, stank on ice. Southland is from Richard Kelly , the same man who brought us Donnie Darko , a movie which kept you trying to figure out what the in hell is going on right up until then end, when all very neatly came together. Whether Donnie worked for you or not (and it did for me), it tried to tie everything up. In Southland , Kelly plainly didn't give a crap. Anyone reading deeper meaning into anything within this film i...
Film, politics, motorcycles, and whisk(e)y.