Once more, pigs take flight
A report I never thought I'd see states:
"The people who carry out suicide bombings are not martyrs, they're war criminals, and so are the people who help plan such attacks," said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch. "The scale and systematic nature of these attacks sets them apart from other abuses committed in times of conflict. They clearly fall under the category of crimes against humanity."Aren't you stunned? This is the group which has continuously slammed Israeli actions in response to these attacks. Naturally, this report was necessary to restore to HRW some level of credibility. Equally naturally....
A Hamas political leader disagreed.Of course it "neglects" those "scholars," because they're idiots. Oh, I know, that's not in keeping with the spirit of debate, insulting someone, but so what? They are idiots when they make such distinctions. "He didn't kill himself, he martyred himself! Those little children were, er, ah, incidental. Yes, yes. Too bad there weren't any military targets around. Wait, wait! All Zionist pigs are military targets! All of them, even their kitty cats!"
"This report is neglecting all the Arab Muslim scholars who are not recognizing these operations as a suicide. [It] is accepting the [terminology of] Israel, describing such operation as suicide operation," said Mahmoud El Zahar. "This operation is not suicide, these are martyrs."
It gets better, though:
Principles of international law require that those in authority be held accountable when people under their control commit war crimes or crimes against humanity. Leaders who order such crimes, fail to take action to prevent them or fail to punish the perpetrators are also responsible for the crimes, the group said.So, from this it would naturally flow that Yasser ("I am General!") Arafat will soon be facing investigation for war crimes? Yippee!
The report criticized the Palestinians for arguing that Israeli actions -- like destroying P.A. [Palestinian Authority] security installations -- has undermined its ability to act.
"Even when that capacity was largely intact," the report said, "the P.A. took no effective action to bring to justice those who incited, planned, or assisted in carrying out bombings and other attacks on Israeli civilians."
The P.A. instead, the report said, often let the perpetrators back onto the streets soon afterward.
It's a beautiful day....