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Showing posts from August, 2019

A Tale of 4 Tablets

Apparently I’m on this epic quest for the perfect portable device. Something that is more than a phone but capable of being grabbed at a moment’s notice and taken on the road. This device should allow me to read books, watch video, check email, and write stuff. While a phone can handle all of this, it’s not the best solution. Yes, there’s a Kindle app but the screen, even on my Samsung Galaxy S10+, seems small (I recognize how insane that sounds). Same thing with the other items on my list, other than email, for which my phone suffices 99% of the time. And so I explore tablets. The obvious choice, and one that will probably suit the majority of people, is an Apple iPad. But before I dove into that pool, I tried cheap, and that meant an Amazon Fire HD 10 (2017). For $150, plus cost for case and a portable Bluetooth keyboard, this was a steal. It worked well..for a while. What happened was Amazon’s curated app store. Suddenly, Microsoft OneNote stopped working. Who was respons...