Actually, more like a half-dozen 2 nd looks. Over at Big Hollywood , I got into a short, pleasant exchange with another reader ( dcase ) about Quantum of Solace . In the end, we agreed that it was better the second time around, and then he made an intriguing statement, that it was as close to an art house film as a Bond film is liable to get. Art house? Bond? Let’s work our way to that, and I’m afraid there are liable to be SPOILERS in this discussion. Sorry. First, I was perhaps less than kind to QoS when I first reviewed it. Many of my objections still stand. The action is, more often than not, disjointed, an example of the extreme close-up, shaky cam, rapid cut “style” that dominates modern action films. It’s not a style, it’s a disease. Most people blame Michael Bay for this plague, but I think the real cause is Paul Greengrass and his two Bourne films. Action films, Bay aside, want to imitate Bourne. Bay always takes a moment or two to pull the camera back and remind you...
Film, politics, motorcycles, and whisk(e)y.