I don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s because she’s a former beauty pageant contestant. Maybe it’s because she likes guns and hunts. Maybe it’s because she not only challenged the Republican establishment in Alaska, but she won. Big. Maybe it’s because she knew her fifth child would be born with Downs syndrome and had him anyway. Oh, and maybe it’s because she’s a redhead and she’s hot. Sorry, call me petty and shallow, but if women can swoon over Obama, I’m allowed to swoon over Sarah Palin. I am laughing my ass off listening to Democrat, liberal, and progressive pundits trying to hack at her lack of experience. Are they really so oblivious to the fact that all such accusations apply even more so to The One? Someone actually remarked that she’s even less experienced than Obama, effectively acknowledging how inexperienced he is. There are a couple of key differences, however. The first should be obvious to anyone with...
Film, politics, motorcycles, and whisk(e)y.